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Consider Yourself “Blocked”.

Blocking on social media is such an interesting concept. To block is to say, “You’re dead to me”. They disappear not only from your social media and “friends list”, but also are no where to be found on the dark web or even in your life. It is essentially cutting that person out of your life, but what if you run into the person in your everyday life? What happens in those moments when your friends are still friends with them, you still have to work with them, or even, you live near them? Is there really a way to “block” someone in your daily life?

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Recently it has been brought to my attention that “blocking” is not really a prevention of someone seeing your life on social media or protecting yourself from someone that doesn’t need to be in your lives. Sometimes it is an impulsive act that is a reaction to something we may have done wrong or in order to prevent ourselves from the constant reminder that things did not go according to plan. It’s not so much about the person that is being block, but putting the blocker’s heart at easy for knowing that they don’t have to have that constant reminder of how they screwed up.

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When I look back at the people I have blocked on social media vs. the ones that have blocked me, there is a stark difference. While I have blocked from men in foreign lands trying to make me their bride, from fake accounts trying to get to me buy bitcoin or send money to them so they can rescue their children from poverty overseas and strangers who send one too many game requests, I have been blocked by those who know that they have done wrong and yet, choose to cut me out of their social media life instead of admit to their wrong doing. Let’s face it, it is easier to just click a button, removing someone from your life rather than to say sorry by admitting to your own defeat.

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From the hurtful boy who failed to mention he was choosing a stripper over me, to the jerk I was dating that wasn’t ready to commit to me because he was too busy committing to someone else, to the back stabbing girl who dug her own grave and wasn’t happy that I wasn’t about to fall into it with her, to the bi-polar ex who was so demoralized by the fact that I had a backbone by standing up to his abusive words, or to the “friend” who put on a fake facade by setting me up to fail and was too blinded by jealousy to watch me rise like a phoenix from the ashes.. Those are the people who choose to “block” on social media. The ones that would rather not look their poor choices in the eye, but rather, go to blind to it and choose to think you were in the wrong. Forever trying to forget you and that what they did to you ever happened.

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It always amazes me when something like this happens. Most of the time I’m oblivious to it until the moment comes when I realize, “I haven’t seen their negativity in a while..” I’m too busy living life to notice until the moment comes when you forget that they haven’t been around. You forget that they were even in your life, because this weight has been lifted. A weight that you didn’t know you were carrying around for so long until it’s gone. It’s like the clouds open up and the sun remembers it is supposed to shine. It’s like in that moment that they “block” you from their life, they’re giving you the best gift they can give you.. A fresh start without their negativity.

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Again, blocking on social media is such an odd concept for me to wrap my head around, yet it is somewhat empowering. It took me a long time to see that when someone “blocks” you, it’s because they’re trying to regain power in the situation that you have left them feeling out of control in. While sometimes it could be something wrong that you had done, a majority of the time, “blocking” is more for their own well being. The idea of you and what they have done wrong is too much for them, so they have to cut you out of their life. Simply, the sight of you is too much pain on their heart.

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Lesson to be learned: If you’re feel hurt or are so concerned about being blocked by someone on social media, don’t be. Every situation is different, but from using my own experiences with this, it’s safe to say that if a person takes the time and effort to block you on social media, it is simply because of something they did, not you. Also in most cases, if someone is willing to take the time to block you from their life, they didn’t deserve a place in yours to begin with. Real friends and relationships wouldn’t stoop to that level of immaturity. The people that you deserve in your life are the ones that stick around through it all.

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